
A successful career: The balance between diploma and work experience


In the current labor market, applicants are often expected to have both the right diplomas and relevant work experience. But what weighs heavier: a diploma or work experience? It's a balance that many applicants are trying to find. Employers look for the ideal combination, but their preferences may vary. Let us delve deeper into this issue.

The value of a degree

Diplomas clearly indicate the academic knowledge and skills you have acquired. They are proof of your commitment and ability to delve into a particular field. For many positions, these diplomas are essential because they show that you have a solid basis before you start.

Benefits of a degree:

  • Demonstrable knowledge: Diplomas guarantee that you have a certain basic knowledge.
  • Entry to specific jobs: Some professions, such as doctor or lawyer, require a specific degree.
  • Competitive advantage: A diploma can distinguish you from other candidates who do not have the same educational background.

The value of work experience

Work experience often provides an overview of someone's skills in daily practice. It shows that you not only master the theory, but can also use it effectively. Moreover, it proves that you can adapt to a professional environment, collaborate with colleagues, and deal with real-life challenges in the workplace.

Benefits of work experience:

  • Practical knowledge: Experience shows that you know how to apply your knowledge in practice.
  • Soft skills: By working, you'll develop important skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem solving.
  • Network: With work experience, you often build a professional network that can be useful in your future career.

Which weighs heavier?

It's a question that many applicants struggle with: degrees or work experience? Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer, as it really varies by job, company, and even by sector. In some subject areas, such as specialist technical roles or academic positions, diplomas and certifications can be decisive. On the other hand, there are industries where hands-on experience and proven workplace skills are much more important. So it is always important to do good research into what is important specifically for your desired role and industry.

A few considerations:

  • For entry-level positions, the focus is often on training. Logical, because if you're fresh out of school, you probably haven't gained much work experience yet. Internships or projects during your studies can give this a positive twist.
  • Senior positions are often more about what you have shown in practice. Work experience then weighs more heavily, especially because practical knowledge and experience are really indispensable in such roles. Your track record and ability to lead teams or successfully complete projects can be decisive here.
  • In fields such as the creative industries or technical sectors, a compelling portfolio or specific skills can sometimes say more than any diploma. This is really about what you can show, whether that's a great design collection or an impressive piece of code.

Tips for a Balanced Resume

  • For starters: Focus on your studies and relevant practical experience, such as internships or projects.
  • For professionals: Let your work experience shine, but don't forget your educational background.
  • Be specific: State concrete projects and results, supported by facts and figures.
  • Keep learning: Take regular courses to keep up to date and show your eagerness to learn.
  • Networking: Maintain contacts in your industry and use platforms such as LinkedIn.
  • Personalize: Focus your resume and cover letter specifically on the job you're interested in.


Both work experience and degrees are valuable on your resume. The most important thing is to find a balance that matches your career goals and the roles you're applying for. By presenting your achievements and qualifications in the right way, you can ensure that your resume stands out to potential employers. If you are looking for a partner who can support you with your career development, think of QGROUP. We are experts in guiding professionals to their ideal jobs. Contact us to find out how we can help you.

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